Bank Of Baroda Vashi Branch IFSC Code and Phone Number

IFSC Code details of Vashi Branch , Bank of Baroda details are given i.,e. BARB0VASHIX. Find the complete details from Vashi branch phone number that can help you to find the NEFT, RTGS to ECS services with IFSC or MICR code that is required for the said services. The Vashi Branch of BOB is located at Vashi Trurbe Road that is in Sector 17. Follow below page to find rest details.

Bank of Baroda Vashi Branch

The MICR and IFSC code is required for transferring payment from one account to another. Thus verified details are given below along with customer care number and complete address.

Bank of Baroda Vashi Branch IFSC Code details

MICR Code400012081
Bank Phone Number1800-22-3344022-27891233022-27891200
Branch NameVashi
AddressOffice at – Big Splash Building
Located at – Vashi Turbe Road
Place – Vashi Sector 17
City – Mumbai
State – Maharashtra
Pin code – 400705