Haridwar Junction Railway Station Phone Number, Code, Address

The Hardiwar Junction emergency numbers along with station numbers are provided for inquiry regarding train arrival, station code, address details given.  The given helpline number can also be used to know about train arrival and departure details. The Haridwar Railway station is comes under Uttarakhand and located near Purusharthi Market Road. The history of this Haridwar (हरिद्वार) station is glorious as it was started approx 130 years back in 1886.

Haridwar railway station

You can easily find number of hotels and restaurants near to the Railway station that provide affordable stay for the tourist. While the nearest airport from Haridwar Station is located in Dehradun and the airport name is Jolly Grant Airport which is approx 40 km distance away.

Haridwar Railway Station Helpline Number

The station helpline number supposed to work for 24 hours however it works fine from 7:00 AM to 10:00 PM throughout 7 days a week.  In case use below given phone number for emergency inquiry as well.

Contact Number –  01334-226-479

Station Code Number –  HW (This might require when booking ticket from or to the Jaridwar Junction)

Haridwar Raily Station Address

Station at –  Purusharthi Market Road,
Located at – Shikhu Pur,
Area – Devpura,
City – Haridwar,
State – Uttarakhand
Pin Code – 249401