Leeco Service Center in Vadodara City

Locate the nearest Leeco Service Center in Vadodara city where customers can get their phone and TV repaired by authorized repair shop – address & contact number listed. List of Leeco authorized service center in Vadodara has been listed below that includes contact number to address.  The company have several products like LeEco 127 cm (50 inches) Super4 X50 Pro L504UCNN 4K Ultra HD LED Smart TV, 102 cm (40 inches) Super4 X40 L404FCNN Full HD LED Smart TV, 109 cm (43 inches) Super4 X43 Pro L434UCNN 4K Ultra HD LED Smart TV any much more which are in good demand in Vadodara. If you are looking for nearest Leeco repair centers to get it repaired.

Leeco Service Center in Vadodara

You can also call to the Leeco customer support number which is given below. Register your complaint with Leeco helpline number and get necessary services.

Leeco Service Center in Vadodara

Locate the nearest Leeco repair and service center in Vadodara spread across areas like Alkapuri, Fathegunj main road etc.

Electro Micro Technology

Shop No: 101
Building: A-Squre Complex
Located at: BPC Road
Area: Alkapuri
City: Vadodara
State: Gujarat

Contact Number: 99747-07909

Working Hour: 09:00 AM – 07:00 PM

Shreeji Communication

Shop No: 221,
Building: Safforan Tower
Located at: Fathegunj main road
Landmark: Near Kamti Baugh
City: Vadodara
State: Gujrat

Working Hour: 10:00 AM – 06:30 PM