Subex India Customer Care Phone Number, Email, Office Address

Find the updated Subex Limited India contact details from helpline number, email ID to head office address including HR for job opening then this can help you. Subex Limited is a top telecom software company that provides assistance in support systems and business operations on a global level; it was formed in the year 1992 by Subash Menon. Initially it ventured as a telecom hardware integrator but by the year 1999 is switched into a telecom software company. The company’s headquarter is located in Bengaluru in India.

Subex India

The company is a public undertaking and aims at empowering the service providers of communications to enable them achieve a competitive advantage through refined business and capex optimization, which in turn will improve their level of efficiency to offer better service experiences to its subscribers. The vision of Subex is to deliver value in order to stand out and lead, it believes in the core values of fairness, innovation and commitment. The company strives to provide quality service and offers support to its stakeholders to enhance their profit margin and improve their business model.

Subex Limited has their office setup in more than 70 countries and counted among the leading telecom company. The company has won galore of awards and honors for its relentless customer service and efficiency.

Subex  Contact Number: 080-6659-8700

Above phone number can be used to connect with Subex customer care or can also below number to send fax:

Fax Number: 080-6696-3333

E-mail Address:

Head Office Address

Subex Limited
Office At – RMZ Ecoworld
Located At – Devarabisanahalli
Place – Outer Ring Road
City – Bangalore
State – Karnataka
Pin Code – 560103

Office Time: Monday to Friday – 08:00 AM to 09:00 PM

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