Railway Station in Kengeri, Phone Number, Station Code

Railway Station in Kengeri comes under Bengaluru given its phone number, address, station code and other necessary details. There are total 4 platform exists inside the station. Where as there is provision of auto and bus stand that can be used to travel in city.  There is 2 BMTC bus depot which are located inside the city and provide station services too. The station is located near to the Kengeri Satellite Town, find more details about this station below.Kengeri Railway Station

Kengeri Railway Station Contact Number

  • 080-28486999
  • 080-22721096

Rest details of Kengeri Station mentioned below from station code, division etc.

  • Station Code – KGI
  • Number of Platform – 4
  • Zone – South Western Railway (SWR)
  • Division – Bangalore

Find the Kengeri Station provided above contact number, station code, train timing etc in detail including bus and auto stand information.

Kengeri Railway Station Address

Located at – Railway Parallel Rd
Place – Harsha Layout
Area – Kengeri Satellite Town
City – Bengaluru
State – Karnataka
Pin Code – 560060