Kannapuram (KPQ) Railway Station Phone Number

Find the Kannapuram Railway Station (KPQ) updated contact number with station code and phone number in detail. Being a small town of Kerala, the Kannapuram is located near to the sea sore. The Kannapuram station is well connected with road. There is small bus and auto stand outside the Kannapuram station. While the nearest Airport is Calicut International Airport which is roughly around 130 Km distance away from Kannapuram station,rest detailed information is available below.

Kannapuram Railway Station

As of now there are only two platform exists inside the station however well connected with rest of majority of the cities like Chunda, Edakkepuram etc. If you are travelling from Kannapuram station then helpline number might required to inquiry regarding train departure,arrival, emergency number etc.

Kannapuram  Railway Station Contact Number: 08829-860227

  • Station Code – KPQ
  • Number of Platform – 2
  • Zone – Southern Railway(SR)
  • Division – Palakkad

We have provided updated details from Kannapuram railway station code, address, and other details above.

Kannapuram Railway Address

Located at – Kannapuram
City – Kannur
State – Kerala
Pin Code – 670301