BharatMatrimony Customer Care Number, Email Address, Toll Free Number
|Find the BharatMatrimony customer care number, email ID, toll free number and address. The BharatMatrimony was started in 1997 and have offices in Mumbai, Kolkata, Delhi etc. Today Bharat Matrimony is a popular Indian matrimony website which was founded by Murugavel Janakiraman in 1997. The company serves worldwide with a total of 130 offices distributed across India as well as other countries like Dubai, United States, Malaysia and Sri Lanka. The company is a part of portal and the logo is designed in the colours of the Indian flag.
Murugavel initially worked in New Jersey as an IT professional and in 1990s stated his own web portal in Tamil which included matrimonial advertisements as well. Soon he realised that the matrimonial ads fetched more traffic and revenue for him and thus started a separate website with the name BharatMatrimony in 2000.
Bharat Matrimony Toll Free Number: 1800-3000-6622
Customer Service: 081449-98877
Centralized Helpline Number: 044-4297-0104
If you have any query or complaint then you can directly get in touch with Bharat Matrimony customer care number that is given above.
Bharat Matrimony India Head Office Address
Office at: 94, TVH Beliciaa Towers,
Building: 10th Floor, Tower 2,
Located at: MRC Nagar,
Area: Mandaveli
City: Chennai
State: Tamil Nadu
Pin Code: 600 028.
Contact Number: 044-2463-1500
Bharat Matrimony City Wise Helpline Number
City | Contact | |
Kolkata |
| [email protected] |
Gurgaon |
| [email protected] |
Nellore |
| [email protected] |
Visakhapatnam |
| [email protected] |
Surat |
| [email protected] |
Vadodara |
| [email protected] |
Bangalore |
| [email protected] |
Kozhikode |
| [email protected] |
Cochin |
| [email protected] |
Mumbai |
| [email protected] |
Thane |
| [email protected] |
Pune |
| [email protected] |
Chennai |
| [email protected] |
Coimbatore |
| [email protected] |
Lucknow |
| [email protected] |
Allahabad |
Helpline Numbers
Country | Phone Number |
Australia | +61-3882-05478 |
USA | 818-688-3593 |
Canada | 818-688-3593 |
UK | +44-20360-80267 808-168-3055 |
Malaysia | 1800-815-588 |
Initially there was a fear amongst the general public about online payments and the company introduced door to door collection of money. It also included unique features like Astrological matching, Matchboards, SoulMate search options and Express interest tabs to enhance the user’s preferences and involvement. Chats and visibility of contact number and other details requires paid services which makes the site secure and reliable. Personalized assistance on match making is also a much sought after feature which clients look for. In 2014, the IVR or voice messaging was introduced. It operates in 14 different languages and across 200 community gateways. It has documented over 1 million marriages across the globe and set a record for itself. Surprisingly CEO and founder Janakiraman himself found his soul-mate through his matrimonial website.