Bhopal Airport (Raja Bhoj Airport) Phone Number, Address
|Check out the details of Bhopal Airport which is also known as Raja Bhoj Airport working phone number, address and helpline number below. The Bhopal Airport is located approx 15 km distance from the main city in Gandhi Nagar. The runway is very long which is approx 9 k feet and offer domestic service currently.
Also the airport is well equipped with security and installed X-ray machine. Find the more details about this airport in detail below.
If you are planning to fly via Bhopal Airport then below contact number might help you out. This number can also be use to know the flight arrival time, departure and other information.
Bhopal Airport Contact Number: 7552646001
Additionally the airport authority shared below email address in case if you have any complaint or suggestion.
Bhopal Airport Email Address: [email protected]
Bhopal Airport Address
Office At: Airports Authority of India
Place: Raja Bhoj Airport Gandhi nagar
City: Bhopal
Pine Code: 462036
State: Madhya Pradesh