ICAR Office in Bangalore – Address & Contact Number

The ICAR is a renowned Institutes known as Agricultural Technology Application Research Institute located in Bangalore, has its office and contact number.  At present their premises is located in  Hessaraghatta lake post, providing complete guidance on agriculture from seed selection to pest management.

Icar Bangalore

Head Office

Office at: ICAR-IIHR,
Located at: Hessaraghatta lake post,
City: Bengaluru
State: Karnatka
Pin Code: 560 089

Contact number: 080-2846-6471

Fax Number: 080-2846-6291

Customer Care Number: 080-2308-6100

Email Address: [email protected]

DesignationContact NumberEmail Address
Principal Scientist & Head, RMCC080-2308-6100[email protected]
Chief Administrative Officer (CAO)080-2846-6370[email protected]