Samsung Mobile Service Center in Ghaziabad

List of Samsung service center in Ghaziabad has been listed below that includes contact number to address.  The Samsung popular products like (Samsung Galaxy J3, Galaxy Note 5 Galaxy S6, Samsung Galaxy J7, Samsung Galaxy Tab 3) which are in good demand in Ghaziabad. If you are looking for nearest Samsung repair centers to get it repaired. You can also call to the Samsung customer support number which is given below. Register your complaint with Samsung helpline number and get necessary services.

Samsung Logo

Currently the Samsung open its repair centers in places like Rdc Raj Nagar, Sector 10  which can be found below:

Samsung Mobile Service Center in Ghaziabad

Following are the updated Samsung Ghaziabad authorized repair center are operate by the well experienced technician:

AreaShop NameAddressContact
Rdc Raj NagarMicro SolutionsShop No – 112 & 115,
Building –  Ansal Sumedha
Location – Rdc Raj Nagar.
City – Ghaziabad
State – Uttar Pradesh
Sector 10Janus ElectronicsShop No – 10C/246,
Location – Sector 10, Vasundhra.
City – Ghaziabad
State – Uttar Pradesh

Service Center Timing: 10:00 AM to 6:30 PM

Working Days: Monday to Saturday