ICICI Bank Matwari Korra Road – Phone Number, IFSC Code

The ICICI Bank Matwari Korra Road branch is located in Hazaribag shared the phone number details. Also find the ICICI Bank Matwari Korra Road updated IFSC Code details below. This bank is located at Matwari Korra Road which is close to the city and hardly 3 km distance from the main city. The bank starts from 10:00 AM morning and provide its services to evening by 4:00 PM. Find rest contact details of the bank below.

ICICI bank Matwari Korra road Hazaribagh-

The ICICI Bank IFSC code for Matwari Korra Road branch shared the necessary details which is given below.

IFSC Code: ICIC0002460
MICR Code: 825229003

Alternatively the Bank also provided its branch helpline number:

Contact Number – 7209305919

If you have some financial work then you can visit to the below given address:

ICICI Bank Matwari Korra Road, Hazaribag 

Located at –  Matwari Korra Road,
Landmark – Near Gandhi Maidan,
Area – Matwari,
City –  Hazaribagh
State – jharkhand
Pin Code  – 825301